10. jūnijs - MATEMĀTIKA II
Listen to the text and write phrasal verbs that you will hear.
1. Well, I think they're pretty excited about what's in store tonight. The costumes and the set and the songs have been tightly guarded but I've just seen the first three numbers. She did two famous classics,   and On a Night like this, to which fans went off.
2. Absolutely. She's one of Australia's biggest stars and I think all Australians   her tonight although there's only ten thousand people here, I think everyone's reaching out and suporting her tonight,welcoming her back to the stage after having such a major break and facing such a tough eighteen months.
3. Yeah, it's a real milestone for her, isn't it Linda. It must be an extremely emotional performance for her   on stage when , you know, twelve months ago she was thinking her career in entertainment may have been over.
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