10. jūnijs - MATEMĀTIKA I
Listen to the text " Fashion Sense". Curtis talks with Spencer about her sense of style and the clothes she likes to wear.   
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Write the words that you will hear.
1. Spencer: That's so true, I hate heels, I cannot wear heels. Half of it's confidence though, like I don't like being particularly taller than a lot of people, it just kind of makes me unconfident. But   and then like you see a really tall person wearing a pair of heels, and you know, shoulders high like super, super confident and they look great.
2. Curtis: Right. Sometimes I find that with men's dress shoes as well, sometimes they're really narrow and my feet are a little bit wide and so you get these really long and pointed dress shoes that narrow towards the toes. And because of that I have a  hard time finding dress shoes for myself. I have to do a lot of shopping to find a good pair.
3. Spencer: I got lucky, I have tiny feet, so   I walk into a shoe store my size happens to be the one that's on display.
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