10. jūnijs - MATEMĀTIKA I
Task 2 (25 points)
You should spend about 45 minutes on this task.
Write between 200 – 250 words.


Some people claim that advertising provides us with useful information while others argue that it is a tool of manipulation. Comment on both opinions and give your point of view supported by arguments.

Remember you have to write between 200 and 250 words
Don’t forget that this is an essay and you have to plan it.
1. At the beginning give the thesis statement (include both arguments)
2. Start the second paragraph with the first topic sentence and give the support to the argument.
3. The next argument should be discussed and supported in a new paragraph.
4. Don’t forget to write the conclusion and restate the thesis statement.
This is an essay - don’t use short forms. The text should be divided into paragraphs. Use cohesive devices (linkers, conjunctions etc.)
Important tips for writing an essay:
In the introduction you should give your thesis statement. In this statement you should include your arguments without support. There should be at least 3 arguments - 3 for, one against or other way round.  Your introduction shouldn’t be too long. Start with some general information about advertising. Thesis statement can be the last sentence of your introduction.
Paragraph 2
Choose the first argument from your thesis statement and write the topic sentence for this paragraph. Then give your support to the argument. Don’t write too general information; try to give your personal experience and examples.
Paragraph 3
Choose the next argument and write topic sentence for this paragraph. Then give your support to the argument. Don’t write too general information; try to give your personal experience and examples.
Paragraph 4
Choose the next argument and write topic sentence for this paragraph. Then give your support to the argument. Don’t write too general information; try to give your personal experience and examples.

In conclusion you can give restatement of your thesis and concluding remarks. Your personal opinion should be shown there. Conclusion usually is very short. It can contain a few sentences.
Use linking words which are different than but, and, because.
For adding ideas you can use:
Furthermore/ In addition/  Moreover etc.
also/ too etc.
For contrasting ideas use:
On the one hand/ On the other hand/ However/Although etc.
To give examples:
for example/  such as etc.
To conclude:
To sum up/ In my opinion etc.
An essay is considered to be formal writing therefore don’t use short forms! Keep in mind limit of words - if you write less than 100 words your work is not counted, if you write only 150 words you can get 15 points from 25. If you write more than 280 words you lose 2 points. If you do not mention advertising in your essay your work may not be checked. It should be clearly seen that you have understood the theme.