10. jūnijs - MATEMĀTIKA I
Task 2 (10 points)
Read the text. Fill in each gap (1-10) with the letter of the appropriate phrase from the list. Use each phrase only once. There is one extra phrase which you do not need to use. An example (0) has been given.
Panel interviews are becoming increasingly common as the job market hots up and companies look for ever more rigorous ways to screen job seekers and spot the best talent. Often uncomfortable for candidates, panels save organisations time, (0) particularly if they are recruiting for a number of positions

As the name suggests, a panel job interview is where a candidate is interviewed by a group of interviewers. In most cases, they will be on their own with the panel, particularly if it is for a senior position, (1)  all in the room at once. In this situation, each interviewer will then ask every candidate a question in turn.

The whole idea of a panel interview is to put an interviewee under more pressure compared with a typical one-to-one interview. It could be the case that you have four or five people all asking you questions. The panel will consider (2)  .
Sounds daunting? The good news is that with a decent amount of preparation, there are ways for candidates to shine in this situation.
Before the interview
As the saying goes: knowledge is power. It is even more powerful in a panel interview where questions are being fired left, right and centre. Make sure you study the job specifications and your CV and prepare as far as possible for likely questions.

You are likely to be asked for examples of when you demonstrated certain skills or experience. Have three to five success stories up your sleeve to bring out on the day and make them results focused. Think about (3)  .

Also, check who will be on the panel (4)  . Read up on their job roles, career background and recent work success. That way you can ask questions that are relevant to them as well as to the role.

Rehearsing (5)  is a great way to help you get used to the environment. Look through your CV – is there a gap in your employment that needs explaining? And, rehearse the answers to any difficult questions like this.

Think about your appearance, (6)  . If in doubt about the company dress policy, always err on the side of caution – a dark, smart suit is usually best. Pay attention to detail such as tidy hair, polished shoes and subtle makeup and accessories.

Finally, check the finer details like the journey – always plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early; being late for any interview is inexcusable.
The day of the interview

The golden rule of a panel interview is to engage with the whole panel, not just one specific member of the group. When you first get into the room, look at all of the interviewers, try and remember the names of each and address them accordingly. Shake them firmly by the hand if you are standing and then wait to be invited to take a seat. When sitting down, (7)  . Do not fidget, sit up straight and lean slightly forward in your chair.

When you are asked a question, maintain eye contact with the person asking it, (8)  . This will show that you are confident and will help to build a rapport with everyone in the room.

When the interview comes to a close, thank all participants promptly and gather business cards if you have not already done so. It is also a good idea to (9)  .

Finally, remember that panel interviews are nothing to dread. If you prepare, come armed with a positive attitude and plenty of success stories (10)  .
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