Read three short texts about three different hobbies! There are three True/False questions after the articles. Read them carefully and decide whether the statements are True or False based on what you've just read!
Mark Coleman was born in New Zealand, but at the moment he is living in Britain. He is a leading member of the World Bungee Corporation. In his free time he jumps off bridges and hangs upside down with an elastic rope around his ankle. Bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island, near Australia, and a lot of New Zealanders now jump regularly. 'It's frightening at first,' Mark says, 'but it's very good fun.'
Robert Haag is a 36-year-old American who is crazy about rocks. The 'Meteorite Man' collects and sells rocks from space. He lives in mountains of Arizona, but he travels to the Andes mountains in Chile, to the Nile Delta in Egypt or to Australia to collect meteorites. He has the only piece of moon rock found on Earth outside Antarctica, and another piece that comes from Mars. 'I love the adventures, and the places that the rocks take me to. Every new rock is a challenge!'
Alison Peterson is a Londoner and works in the City of London, but in her lunch hour she forgets about the world of business. 'Take out three coloured balls and juggle for an hour every day,' she suggests. 'It's a very relaxing hobby. You can't think about your problems when you're juggling.'
1)  Pentecost Island is the place of origin of bungee jumping.
2)  Robert Haag is called the 'Meteorite Man'.
3)  Alison juggles for an hour every day after the work.
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