Listen to the dialogue and write the correct prepositions.
Paul and Aimee talk about how often they look at digital content and if they can go without it.

1. Aimee: So Paul, speaking of technology, how long do you think you can go checking your phone?
2. Paul: Yeah, I did, I didn’t even think about it actually. It was just that you know, that sort of momentary pull where I thought I needed it, and then actually having you know, sort of considered it seriously. It was like, I don’t need it, so yeah, I did find without it I didn’t have to be like hooked up to a life support system or anything. Yeah, it’s amazing really, how it comes to be such a central part your life.
3. Aimee: Uhm, yeah. I don’t know if I could. I always have to cut down before going cold turkey, I think, I’ve got to cut down. I’m trying to cut down. You know, I mentioned , I’m trying to get back into reading uhm, just get back into real books instead of screen time.
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