Izvēlies pareizos vietniekvārdus, lai pabeigtu vēstuli!
Titulu "Mrs." pirms uzvārda angļu valodā lieto uzrunājot un stāstot par sievietēm, bet "Mr." pirms uzvārda – par vīriešiem.
Hi Sue,

 name is Betty. This is  friend Ann. She's 11 sister is ten. They have got a pet.  pet is a budgie name is CharlieAnn and I go to the same school. There are 500 boys and girls in  school. Ann's class teacher is Mrs. White. She has got a pet, too.  pet is a rabbit. Our class teacher is Mr. Nikolson. I like  lessons. He has got two dogs. The dogs love playing in  garden. Now I have a question for you. What's  pet?
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