Read a person's description of their family tree. Choose the correct answers to the questions.
My family is quite interesting! On my father’s side, there’s my grandfather, George, who is always telling fascinating stories about his youth. He has a lovely wife, Helen, who is always knitting warm scarves for everyone. They have three children: my father, Michael, his younger brother, David, and a sister, Emily. Michael is a caring person who loves gardening. David is an keen traveler who often brings back souvenirs from his trips, and Emily is known for her delicious cooking and her love for gardening as well.
On my mother’s side, the family is a bit larger. My mother, Linda, has a brother, Robert, and a sister, Susan. Robert lives far away but visits us during the holidays. He has a wife, Laura, who is an amazing artist, and they have two children: Lily and Jack. Lily is really good at playing the guitar, while Jack enjoys drawing and painting. Susan is a teacher who enjoys reading and has two children of her own: Anna and Ben.
We all come together for family gatherings, where everyone shares stories and enjoys each other’s company. These get-togethers are special because they allow us to connect with different generations and learn more about each other’s lives.
1. What is the name of the storyteller’s father?
2. Who enjoys playing the guitar?
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