Revise the members of a family!
great-grandfather — [ˌɡreɪtˈɡræn.fɑː.ðər] — the father of one's grandmother or grandfather, vecvectēvs
great-grandmother — [ˌɡreɪtˈɡræn.mʌð.ər] — the mother of one's grandmother or grandfather, vecvecmāte
grandson — [ˈɡrænsʌn] — a son of one's son or daughter, mazdēls
granddaughter — [ˈɡrændɔːtə(r)] — a daughter of one's son or daughter, mazmeita
sibling — [ˈsɪblɪŋ] — a brother or sister, brālis vai māsa
twin — [twɪn] — one of two children born at the same time to the same mother, dvīnis
niece — [niːs] — the daughter of your brother or sister, brāļa vai māsas meita
nephew — [ˈnefjuː] — the son of your brother or sister, brāļa vai māsas dēls
stepmother — [ˈstepmʌðə(r)] — a woman who is the partner of your father, but is not your biological mother, pamāte
stepfather — [ˈstepfɑːðə(r)] — a man who is the partner of your mother, but is not your biological father, patēvs
(Citi vārdi ar "step": stepson — [ˈstepsʌn], stepdaughter — [ˈstepdɔːtə(r)], stepbrother — [ˈstepbrʌðə(r)], stepsister — [ˈstepsɪstə(r)] )
half-brother — [ˈhɑːf brʌðə(r)] — a man with either the same mother or the same father, pusbrālis
half-sister — [ˈhɑːf sɪstə(r)] — a woman with either the same mother or the same father, pusmāsa
brother-in-law — [ˈbrʌðər ɪn lɔː] — your sister's husband, the brother of your husband or wife, māsas vīrs, vīra vai sievas brālis (svainis)
sister-in-law — [ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔː] — your brother's wife, the sister of your husband or wife, brāļa sieva, vīra vai sievas māsa (svaine)
in-laws — [ˈɪn lɔːz] — your relatives by marriage, vīra vai sievas radinieki
son-in-law  — [ˈsʌn ɪn lɔː] — the husband of your daughter, meitas vīrs (znots)
daughter-in-law — [ˈdɔːtər ɪn lɔː] — the wife of your son, dēla sieva (vedekla)
father-in-law — [ˈfɑːðər ɪn lɔː] — ​the father of your husband or wife, vīra vai sievas tēvs
mother-in-law — [ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔː] — ​the mother of your husband or wife, vīra vai sievas māte
bride — [braɪd] — a woman on her wedding day, līgava
groom (arī bridegroom)  — [ɡruːm] — a man on his wdding day, līgavainis
life partner — [ˈlaɪf pɑːtnə(r)] — a member of a couble regarded as permanent, dzīves partneris
married — [ˈmærid] — having a husband or wife, precējies
divorced — [dɪˈvɔːst] —  no longer married, izšķīries
single parent — [ˌsɪŋɡl ˈpeərənt] — a person who takes care of their children without a partner, vientuļais vecāks
only child — [ˌəʊnli ˈtʃaɪld] — ​a child who has no siblings, vienīgais bērns (ģimenē)