Vocabulary list related to situations at the airport with examples.
Read, listen and learn some new words.

check-in — [ˈtʃek ɪn] — The process of registering your arrival at the airport and receiving your boarding pass; reģistrēšanās
Example: We need to check in at least two hours before our flight.

boarding pass — [ˈbɔːdɪŋ pɑːs] — A document provided after check-in that allows you to board the plane; iekāpšanas karte
Example: Don’t forget your boarding pass; you’ll need it to get on the plane.

departure — [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] — The act of leaving, typically referring to flights leaving the airport; izlidošana
Example: Our departure is scheduled for 3:00 p.m.

arrival — [əˈraɪvəl] — The act of coming to a place, usually referring to flights coming to the airport; ierašanās
Example: The arrival of the flight from New York is delayed.

gate — [ɡeɪt] — The area in the airport where passengers wait to board their flight; iekāpšanas (izlidošanas) vārti
Example: We need to go to gate 14 for our flight to Paris.

baggage claim — [ˈbæɡɪdʒ kleɪm] — The area in the airport where you collect your checked luggage after your flight, bagāžas saņemšana
Example: Let’s head to baggage claim to pick up our suitcases.

customs — [ˈkʌstəmz] — The area where travelers declare goods they are bringing into the country, and where their luggage may be inspected; muitas kontrole
Example: After we land, we have to go through customs.

security check — [sɪˈkjʊərɪti tʃek] — A screening process where passengers and their luggage are inspected for prohibited items; drošības pārbaude
Example: You must pass through the security check before reaching your gate.

boarding — [ˈbɔːdɪŋ] — The process of getting on the plane; iekāpšana
Example: Boarding will begin 30 minutes before departure.

Priority Boarding — [praɪˈɒrɪti ˈbɔːdɪŋ] — The process allows you to board the plane early; often costs extra or is included with premium tickets; prioritārā iekāpšana
Example: If you have purchased Priority Boarding, you will be able to proceed towards the aircraft before passengers who have not purchased it.

carry-on luggage — [ˈkæri ɒn ˈlʌɡɪdʒ] — A small bag or suitcase that you can bring onto the plane with you; rokas bagāža
Example: Make sure your carry-on luggage fits in the overhead bin.

checked baggage — [tʃekt ˈbæɡɪdʒ] — Luggage that is handed over at check-in to be stored in the airplane's cargo hold; reģistrētā bagāža
Example: Remember to keep your checked baggage within the airline's weight limit to avoid extra costs.
layover — [ˈleɪˌəʊvə] — A short stay which occurs when you change planes on your way to your final destination; pārkāpšana, pārsēšanās
Example: We have a two-hour layover in Amsterdam.
stopover — [ˈstɒpˌəʊvə] — A more extended break in your journey, often exceeding 24 hours. Unlike a layover, during a stopover, you have the opportunity to explore the city or region where your stopover occurs. Some airlines and travel agencies even offer packages encouraging passengers to make the most of their stopover by including hotel accommodations and city tours; pārtraukums (ceļojuma)
Example: If you’re flying from Riga to New York with a stopover in Istanbul for 36 hours, you can explore the historical city before continuing your journey to the USA.

passport — [ˈpɑːspɔːt] — An official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship, used for international travel; pase
Example: You’ll need to show your passport at immigration.

visa — [ˈviːzə] — An official document, or a stamp on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period in a country; vīza
Example: I need to apply for a visa to visit China.

duty-free — [ˌdjuːti ˈfriː] — Shops in airports where goods are sold without import taxes; beznodokļu veikals
Example: I bought some perfume at the duty-free shop.

flight attendant — [flaɪt əˈtendənt] — A person who serves passengers on an airplane; stjuarte
Example: The flight attendant brought us snacks during the flight.

cancelled — [ˈkæn.səld] — When a plane trip is planned, but it doesn't happen. The airline stops the flight, and passengers cannot travel on that plane; atcelts
Example: Our flight to Paris was cancelled because of bad weather, so we had to wait for the next available flight.
Example: Our flight to Paris was cancelled because of bad weather, so we had to wait for the next available flight.
delayed — [dɪˈleɪd] — When a flight is postponed and will depart later than scheduled; aizkavēts
Example: Our flight is delayed due to bad weather until 9:00 PM.
on time — [ɒn taɪm] — When a flight is scheduled to depart or arrive at the exact time planned; laikā
Example: The flight is on time, so we should board soon.

terminal — [ˈtɜːmɪnəl] — A building at an airport where passengers arrive and depart; termināls
Example: Our flight leaves from Terminal 2.

overhead bin — [ˈəʊvəhɛd bɪn] — The storage compartment above the seats on an airplane; rokas bagāžas glabātuve, bagāžas nodalījums virs galvas
Example: Please store your bags in the overhead bin.
Picture "priority boarding": Virginie Boutin / Shutterstock.com