Let’s revise: knowing how to give advice can make you the go-to friend when someone's in trouble. It's your chance to help others with life's tricky moments. You learned how to give advice with modal verbs "should" and "shouldn't" in form 4 and 6. Remember?
Watch and revise: Use of Should and Shouldn't
Let's learn: there are some other words and phrases you can use to give advice. 
Watch, listen and repeat: How to give advice in English
Now read, listen, and repeat the phrases from the video.
If I were you, I would ...the speaker is imagining themselves in your situation and is suggesting what they think is the best action to take — tavā vietā es... / ja mēs būtu mainītās lomās, es ...
Structure: If I were you, I would + verb
If I were you, I would eat more vegetables. 
Why don't you try ... ? the speaker is recommending that you give something a try or do something — kāpēc gan tev nepamēģināt...?
Structure: Why don't you try + verb + -ing
Why don't you try spending more time outdoors?
You ought to... — this is for a stronger more formal advice — tev vajadzētu... (izsaka stingrāku ieteikumu nekā modālais darbības vārds "should")
Structure: You ought to + verb
You ought to apologise to her.
You could try ... a gentle way of offering an idea or option — tu varētu pamēģināt ... (izsaka neuzspiestu ieteikumu, padomu)
Structure: you could try + verb + -ing
You could try going to sleep earlier. 
Be careful! Do not mix these words: "advise" and "advice"! 
Watch and learn: "Advice" versus "Advise"
advice — [ ədˈvaɪs ] — (noun) an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation — (lietv.) padoms
This is a really good advice! Thank you! 
advise — [ ədˈvaɪz ] — (verb) to give someone advice — (darb.v.) dot padomu

What can you advise me?