Read the text about American climate.

Рис. \(1\). Arizona
There are a few climate zones in America, so the climate in the US can vary from state to state. Alaska has an Arctic climate, Hawaii has a tropical climate and it's continental in the most of the states. Croplands are mostly in the central western and western part of the country. About \(45\) percent of the US is agricultural land, so in general continental US climate is good for farming. Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska are mainly agricultural states. The continental climate of the States and the climate of the central part of Russia are pretty similar.
The western coast temperatures don't change much, but in the North change of temperature is rapid, it’s about \(30\) degrees. Summers there can be sweltering. Winters can be freezing. As for the most northern state, Alaska, Juneau, its capital, has mid-latitude oceanic climate and the very north of the state has arctic climate.
Due to the proximity of the ocean the weather on the Pacific coast is very humid and warm. The mountains are close, and they affect the climate too. There are Washington, Oregon and California.
Due to the proximity of the ocean the weather on the Pacific coast is very humid and warm. The mountains are close, and they affect the climate too. There are Washington, Oregon and California.
In the eastern part of the US there is a very dry land. There are often draughts. Central part of the country has mild continental climate, whereas the south is very hot and dry (there are Arizona and Texas located).
Write true or false:
1. About \(60\) percent of the US is agricultural land.
2. Summers in the North can be cold.
3. In the eastern part of the US there is a very dry land.
Рис. 1. Arizona. Pixabay License CC0. (Дата обращения 8.10.2021)
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