To speak about professions, you need the appropriate vocabulary. Part 3

Hunter/huntsman - a person who hunts wild animals;
Legislator - a member of a group of people who together have the power to make laws;
Mechanic - someone whose job is to repair machines;
Miner - someone who works in a mine;
Nurse - someone whose job is to care for ill and injured people;
Optician - someone whose job is to make eye glasses;
Painter - someone whose job is to paint surfaces, such as walls and doors;
Pharmacist - someone who is trained to prepare or sell medicines;
Pilot - someone who flies an aircraft;
Plumber - someone whose job is to repair or connect water pipes and things like toilets and baths;
Police officer/policeman/policewoman - someone who is a member of the police;
Scientist - someone who studies science or works in science;
Roofer - a person whose job is to put new roofs on buildings or to repair damaged roofs.
I need a nurse for my old granny.
Who is the legislator?
Pilots have to know English for international flights.