When you speak about different types of energy that influence our environment, you need the appropriate vocabulary.
Fossil fuels - a fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground;
Generate power - produce energy, usually electricity, that is used to provide light, heat, etc;
Wind power - electricity produced using wind turbines;
Wind farm - a group of wind turbines (= tall structures with blades that are blown by the wind) that are used for producing electricity;
Nuclear power station - a place where the production of the energy is released when the nucleus (= central part) of an atom is divided;
Alternative form of energy - one of two or more things that you can choose between types of energy;
Wind turbine - a machine with long parts at the top that are turned by the wind, used to make electricity;
Unoccupied sites - places have no one in it;
Monitor wind direction - control the way that wind is going or facing;
Solar energy - energy that uses the power of the sun;
Hydropower - hydroelectric power (= the production of electricity by the force of fast moving water).
China could meet a significant portion of its electricity needs through wind power.
In Europe people choose solar energy.
This company is going to place some wind turbines.