Satura rādītājs:


Numurs Nosaukums Apraksts
1. Reported speech. General moments Grammar material related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
2. Reported speech. Statements Grammar related to the topic 'Statements in reported speech'.
3. Reported speech. Special moments Gramma related to the topic 'Reported speech. Special moments'.
4. Reported questions Grammar material related to reported questions.
5. Commands, requests, suggestions Grammar material related to reported speech with commands, requests, suggestions.
6. Introductory verbs Grammar material related to the topic 'Reported speech. Introductory verbs.'


Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Tell or say in reported speech 1. izziņas līmenis zema 1 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Say and tell'.
2. Correct or incorrect in reported speech 1. izziņas līmenis zema 1 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech. Statements, questions and other types of sentences'.
3. Reported speech. Changes in tenses I 1. izziņas līmenis zema 1 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
4. Reported speech I 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Multiple-choice questions (4 questions). Subject: Reported speech
5. Reported speech. Orders, requests, suggestions 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Multiple-choice questions (4 questions). Practice in reported speech.
6. Tag Questions I 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Multiple-choice questions. Subject: Tag Questions
7. Reported speech. Changes in tenses II 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Multiple-choice questions regarding to reported speech. Changes in tenses.
8. Reported speech II 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
9. Reported speech III 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Multiple-choice questions (4 questions). Subject: Reported speech
10. Statements and questions 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 4,5 p. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
11. Tag Questions II 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Multiple-choice questions. Subject: Tag Questions
12. Reported speech. All types of sentences 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 4,5 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech. All types of sentences'.
13. Reported speech. Changes in tenses 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 3 p. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
14. Reported speech IV 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Multiple-choice questions. Subject: Reported speech
15. Tag Questions III 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Multiple-choice questions. Subject: Tag Questions


Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Training test. Simple rules 00:15:00 vidēja 6 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
2. Training test. Reported speech 00:20:00 vidēja 9,5 p. Practice in understanding the differences between direct and reported speech.

Mājasdarbu testi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Homework. Statements and questions 00:25:00 vidēja 9,5 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
2. Homework. Changes in reported speech 00:25:00 vidēja 14,5 p. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Reported speech'.
3. Progress test. Verbs changes 00:30:00 vidēja 16,5 p. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Reported speech'. Changes in pronouns and verbs.
4. Progress test. Writing direct and reported sentences, questions 00:30:00 vidēja 25,5 p. Practice in writing and grammar related to reported speech and direct speech. Practice in all types of sentences.