Read the text about country and city.
Рис. \(1\). Countryside
The question whether it's better to live in the city or in the country is pretty old. There are people who can provide arguments for both points of view. What are they?

The obvious reason to settle in the countryside is quietness and slow pace of life. Clean air, absence of irritating city noise, proximity to nature are truly irresistible. In the countryside you can watch sunsets and dawns, listen to the birds singing, observe animals and lead a relaxed peaceful lifestyle.
Countryside living can improve both physical and mental health, when people in big cities are prone to stress and often suffer from anxiety. Growing and eating organic food can spare you many health issues.

Another reason to move from the hustle and bustle of the city is lower crime rate. There are fewer people living in villages, so there are less crimes committed. That’s why many village dwellers never lock their doors. Lots of urbanites think that city life is much better because of job opportunities and chances to make more money. But living in the countryside is cheaper. For example, you can buy a cottage in a village at the price of a studio in a big city.
Choose the right ending:
1. That’s why many village dwellers never 
2. Another reason to move from the hustle and bustle of the city is 
3. The question whether it's better to live in the city or in the country is 
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