Read and fill in the gaps as in the example.
(Lasi un aizpildi tukšās vietas kā piemērā!)
Emily usually does the housework but yesterday she was ill. So Paul did it.
clean / the house
Emily usually cleans the house but yesterday Paul cleaned it.
Atceries par darbības vārdu pareizrakstību vienkāršās tagadnes vienskaitļa 3.personā!
Nezināmos darbības vārdus pārbaudi vai tie nav Neregulāro darbības vārdu tabulā!
  1. do / the washing-up
    Emily usually   the washing-up but yesterday Paul  it.
  2. pay / the bills
    Emily usually   the bills but yesterday Paul  them.
  3. dust / the shelves
    Emily usually  the shelves but yesterday Paul  them.
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