Listen and repeat! You will hear the letter pronunciation, then the sound of the letter and finally - the word. Klausies un atkārto! Vispirms dzirdēsi burta izrunu, tad burta skaņu un beigās vārdu.
A a - [æ] - apple [`æpl] - ābols
B b - [b] - ball [bɔ:l] - bumba

C c - [k] - car [kɑ:] - mašīna
D d - [d] - dog [dɔg] - suns
E e - [e] - egg [eg] - ola
F f - [f] - fish [fiʃ] - zivs
G g - [g] - goat [gəʊt] - kaza
H h - [h] - horse [hɔ:s] - zirgs
I i - [i] - insect [`insekt] - kukainis