Read, listen and learn some new words.
(Lasi, klausies un mācies jaunos vārdiņus!)
- Snails
Snail is a small creature with a soft, wet body and a round shell, that moves very slowly and eats plants.

snail — [sneɪl] — gliemezis
- Sea snails
Sea snail is snail, that lives in the sea. Its shell usually is big enough too cover all snail's body.

sea snail — [ˈsiː .sneɪl] — jūras gliemezis

shell — [ʃel] — gliemežvāks
- Slugs
Slug is a small, usually black or brown creature with a long, soft body and no arms or legs, like a snail but with no shell.

slug — [slʌɡ] — kailgliemezis, gliemis
- Mussels
Mussel a small sea creature that has a black shell with two parts that close tightly together. Mussels can be eaten. There are more than 1,000 species in the word.

mussel — [ˈmʌs.əl] — gliemene
- Octopuses
Octopus is a sea creature with a soft, oval body and eight tentacles – long parts like arms.

octopus — [ˈɒk.tə.pəs] — astoņkājis

tentacle — [ˈten.tə.kəl] — tausteklis
- Squid
Squid is a sea creature with a long body and ten arms situated around the mouth. There are more than 300 species in the world.

squid (pl squid) — [skwɪd] — kalmārs