Read, listen and learn new words.
(Lasi, klausies un iemācies jaunos vārdiņus!)

in his teens (~12 – 17 years) — [in.hɪzˈtiːnz] — savos tīņa gados / apmēram 12-17 gadus vecs
in my early twenties (20 – 23 years) — [in.maɪ.ɜː.liˈtwen.tiz] — savu divdesmit gadu sākumposmā / apmēram 22 gadus vecs
in her mid-thirties (~34 – 36 years) — [in.hər.mɪdˈθɜː.tiz] — savu trīsdesmit gadu vidū / apmēram 35 gadus vecs
in his late forties (~47 – 49 years) — [in.hɪz.leɪtˈfɔː.tiz] — savu četrdesmit gadu nogalē / apmēram 48 gadus vecs
The used of the possessive pronoun (his, her, my, your, their) depends of the person we talk about.
e.g. If we talk about the girl or woman we use her.
The man we are looking for is in his mid-thirties. — Vīrieti, kuru mēs meklējam, ir apmēram 35 gadus vecs.
Mrs. White is in her late seventies but she still takes part in the competition. — Vaitas kundze ir savu septiņdesmit gadu nogalē, bet viņa joprojām piedalās sacensībās.