Read, listen and learn some new words.
(Lasi, klausies un iemācies jaunos vārdiņus!)

pillowcase — [ˈpɪl.əʊ.keɪs] — spilvendrāna

quilt — [kwɪlt] — stepēta sega

rug — [rʌɡ] — paklājs (mazāks kā "carpet", parasti nosedz tikai daļu no istabas grīdas)

sheet — [ʃiːt] — palags

shower curtain — [ˈʃaʊə ˌkɜː.tən] — vannas aizkars

tablecloth — [ˈteɪ.bəl.klɒθ] — galdauts
towel — [taʊəl] — dvielis
My sister is mad of pink. There's pink all around in her room, even the pillowcases and the rug on the floor.