Video kurss
Grūtības pakāpe:
1. Finished and unfinished actions in the past (+) IV 12 p.
2. Finished and unfinished actions in the past (+) V 4 p.
3. Finished and unfinished actions in the past (+) VI 8 p.
4. Two actions in the past (+) I 12 p.
5. Two actions in the past (+) II 4 p.
6. Two actions in the past (+) III 8 p.
7. Two actions in the past (+) IV 8 p.
8. While and when (+, -, ?) 1 p.
9. While and when (+) 1 p.
10. Non-continuous verbs (+, -, ?) 1 p.
11. Correct the mistakes (+ / - / ?) 4 p.