Let’s learn! Picture this: you're in a new city, maybe on a trip with friends, or even exploring your dream destination. Suddenly, you're not sure how to get to that cool café everyone’s talking about, or maybe you need to find the nearest bus stop. This is where your skill in asking for directions becomes your superpower!
Watch the video and see how it is done in a real life situation: Asking the Way
Remember! When you're asking for directions, it’s important to be polite. Study the phrases from the video:
Excuse me, where is the Tate Modern? — Atvainojiet, kur ir mākslas galerija "Tate Modern"?

Excuse me, is the Tate Modern near here? — Atvainojiet, vai mākslas galerija "Tate Modern" ir kaut kur šeit tuvumā?

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Tate Modern? — Atvainojiet, vai jūs varētu izstāstīt ceļu līdz mākslas galerijai "Tate Modern"?

Sorry, could you say that again, please? — Atvainojiet, vai jūs varētu to vēlreiz atkārtot?
Some other phrases if you’re not sure you’re going in the right direction. You can make sure by asking:
Am I on the right road to the city centre? — Vai es esmu uz pareizā ceļa uz pilsētas centru?

Is this the right way to the mall? — Vai šis ir pareizais ceļš uz tirdzniecības centru?

What’s the best way to get to the airport? — Kāds ir labākais maršruts uz lidostu?
Let’s learn: ever been the go-to person when someone’s lost? Imagine confidently helping someone find their way to a cool spot or hidden gem in your city. Giving directions isn't just useful — it makes you the people person! Now it is time to put all this together and learn direction phrases:
Word bank:
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go straightcontinue in the same direction without turning; iet taisni uz priekšu
Go straight down this road, and you’ll see the museum on your left.
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turn rightchange direction to the right; griezties pa labi
After you cross the bridge, turn right at the traffic light to reach the park.
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turn left change direction to the left; griezties pa kreisi
At the next intersection, turn left to get to the library.
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go backreturn to the place you were before; doties / griezties atpakaļ
If you missed the turn, just go back a few blocks until you see the gas station on your right.
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go around the cornermove in the direction around the corner of a street; doties ap stūri
If you go around the corner, you'll find a lovely café that serves the best coffee in town.
take the first right turn right at the first intersection you come to; griezties pa labi pirmajā šķērsielā
After the traffic light, take the first right to access the shopping center.
take the second left turn left at the second intersection you come to; griezties pa kreisi otrajā šķērsielā
Go behind the school, take the second left to find the entrance to the hiking trail.
head north (south/east/west)move in the direction of the specified compass point; doties ziemeļu (dienvidu/austrumu/rietumu) virzienā
To reach the lake, head north for about five miles until you see the entrance on your right.
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continue on this roadkeep moving along the same road; turpināt iet uz priekšu pa ceļu
Continue on this road for another two miles, and you'll see the restaurant on your left.
Matthew Troke Shutterstock_old man walking_vecs vīrietis iet.jpg
go past move beyond a particular landmark or building. The same meaning: "pass by"; iet garām
Go past the supermarket, and you'll find the library just a few blocks down the street.
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cross the streetmove from one side of the street to the other; šķērsot ielu
To get to the park, cross the street at the crosswalk and walk straight ahead.
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walk towardsmove in the direction of a specific place or landmark; iet virzienā uz kādu objektu, vietu
Walk towards the fountain in the center of the plaza to find the entrance to the art gallery.
tilialucida Shutterstock_Venice_Venēcija.jpg
go under move below a structure, such as a bridge; doties apakšā zem kāda objekta, piemēram, tilta
Go under the bridge, and you'll find the bike path that leads to the river.
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go over move above something, such as a bridge or an overpass; iet pāri, piemēram, tiltam
Go over the bridge, and you'll be rewarded with a stunning view of the city skyline.
Werner Lerooy Shutterstock_road in Netherlands_ceļš Nīderlandē.jpg
take the exit leave a highway or main road at a designated junction; doties pa nobrauktuvi
Take the exit for the highway, and then merge onto the access road toward the airport.
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keep to the left (right)stay on the left or right side of the road; turēties pa kreisi (labi)
As you approach the fork in the road, keep to the left to stay on the scenic route along the coast.
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at the crossroads where two or more roads meet, usually a point for turning or deciding direction; krustojumā
At the crossroads, turn right to head towards the historic downtown area.
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go along the streetfollow the length of a street; iet pa ielu
Go along the street until you reach the traffic lights, and then turn left to find the bakery.
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take a U-turnmake a complete turn to go back in the opposite direction; apgriezties par 180 grādiem
If you miss the turn, take a U-turn at the next intersection to get back on track.
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exit the buildingleave the building through its main exit; doties ārā no ēkas
Please exit the building quietly and use the nearest door to ensure a smooth evacuation.
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enter the buildinggo inside the building through its entrance; doties iekšā ēkā
Please enter the building through the main entrance and check in at the reception desk.
Picture "Old Man" - Matthew Troke / Shutterstock.com
Picture "Venice" - tilialucida / Shutterstock.com
Picture "Road in Netherlands" - Werner Lerooy / Shutterstock.com
Picture "Car Road in India" - DiversePixels / Shutterstock.com