Reading Task 4
The sentences below contain information from texts A, B and C (available here: A, B and C). Complete the sentences with an exact word or words from the texts using no more than four words for each gap.
1. Developing soft skills can contribute to greater career maturity and .
2. A gap year offers the chance for self-development by providing exposure to different roles and social .
3. Instead of asking children about their desired career, it can be more productive to ask about the skills they .
4. Rather than focusing on a specific career, it is more effective for parents to converse with teenagers about their and interests, and then to listen to what they have to say, fostering a more personalised approach to career exploration.
5. While some individuals enjoy a gap year, others, looking for their professional calling, experience unnecessary from their family members.
Atsauce: Centralizētais eksāmens par vispārējās vidējās izglītības apguvi angļu valoda (augstākais mācību satura apguves līmenis), 2024
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