The second part of the Listening Task 2
You will hearan interview with an author (Michael) who published a book on choosing a college. For each question (1-4), choose one correct answer based on what you hear in the interview.
You can stop listening at any time or listen again several times.
Choosing a college 
1. Why does Michael claim that directly asking people why they chose college is ineffective?
2. What is Michael’s attitude to the way people choose colleges in America?
3. What is implied about students in the "help me extend myself" job?
4. According to Michael, what can colleges do to better serve students?
Atsauce: Centralizētais eksāmens par vispārējās vidējās izglītības apguvi angļu valoda (augstākais mācību satura apguves līmenis), 2024
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