In many schools, sports play a significant role in students' daily routines. Regular training sessions, or practice, help students improve their skills and work as a team. Each sport has a coach who trains and guides the players. Students participate in various activities and competitions, including tournaments, to showcase their abilities. To play these sports, students need the right equipment, such as balls, nets, or uniforms.
To be better at explaining and talking about your school routine in sports, memorize the Prepositions of time
Make sure to pay attention to the signal words in the following table!
YCUZD_250121_7029_table_prepositions of time.png
Vocabulary list related to sports in school with examples.
Read, listen and learn some new words.
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practice — [ˈpræk.tɪs] — regular training sessions to improve skills, treniņš
Example: We have basketball practice every Wednesday after school.
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team — [tiːm] — a group of players working together in a sport, komanda
Example: Our school has a football team that competes in local matches.
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coach — [kəʊtʃ] — the person who trains and guides the players, treneris
Example: Our coach helps us improve our skills and encourages us during games.
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tournament — [ˈtʊr.nə.mənt] — a series of games or matches to determine winner, sacensības
Example: Our team is excited to play in the tournament next month.
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equipment — [ɪˈkwɪp.mənt] — the tools and gear needed to play a sport (e.g., balls, nets), aprīkojums
Example: I need to buy new equipment, like a soccer ball and a pair of shoes.
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exercise — [ˈek.sɚ.saɪz] — physical activities that improve strength and health, vingrošana
Example: I do exercise every day to stay healthy and strong.
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sportsmanship — [ˈspɔːrts.mən.ʃɪp] — fair and respectful behaviour in sports, sportiskums
Example: Good sportsmanship means respecting the other players, win or lose.