Task 2

Task instructions:
Read the text. Then in your own words:
 define briefly what the main issue/problem is;
2. say what you think about the issue raised in the text;
3. provide arguments and examples to support your opinion;
4. come to a conclusion;
5. answer one additional question which the examiner will ask you at the end of your monologue.

You have 2 minutes to prepare.
Speaking time: 5 minutes.
Many high schoolers today are more technology-savvy than average adults. While many people think that young people use their devices primarily for video games and social networking, the reality today is that high schoolers use technology for learning as much as for entertainment. According to cybersecurity experts, hackers and cybercriminals are constantly looking for vulnerable targets to attack and steal information from. That is why teenagers must keep their devices and information secure, behave appropriately on social media and shared devices, and respect others’ digital privacy on devices and online.
Additional questions:
• Is it sensible to befriend people on social media when you do not actually know them in real life?
• How much should we reveal about our daily routines, habits or travels on the internet?
With social media dominating our lives, new professions have appeared, for example, YouTuber. A YouTuber is someone who posts videos, usually about their lives, trying out products and sharing their views with their audience. Many of them might start their channel for fun (as a hobby), then turn it into    a profession. However, being a YouTuber is not an easy job. Most YouTubers spend quite a lot of time creating videos. There is the constant pressure of coming up with ever more interesting ideas to attract more viewers and subscribers. The pressure of creating videos, working long hours, and the fast-pace of change in the media industry needs someone strong-minded to succeed.
Additional questions:
• How important is it to do in life what you want as a profession?
• Are Youtubers responsible for the content they create and what people might do after watching it?
People buy, consume and then discard, but can you imagine a world where the concept of waste did not exist? Second-hand furniture, repair cafes and clothing swaps are booming — and not just among those who cannot afford brand-new consumer goods. In reaction to irresponsible consumption many people are looking for alternatives to constantly replacing outdated product models with newer versions. It is easy  to see why. The more we consume, the more energy we burn, the more garbage we produce and the bigger our carbon footprint. Products should be part of a closed cycle. Nature itself is the model — where everything that dies is broken down into nutrients that feed new life.
Additional questions:
• Do you agree that we live at the cost of future generations?
• What could be done to prevent people from dumping rubbish in the countryside?

How do you choose a career path when there are hundreds, if not thousands, of possible options? The realisation that, “I can do anything” can easily turn into: “How will I ever be able to decide?” It is the paradox of choice. The more choices we have, the more anxiety it causes us and the more we fear the consequences of making the wrong decision. So instead of asking yourself, “What job do I want to spend the rest of my life doing?” ask yourself, “What jobs don’t I want to spend the rest of my life doing?” This re-frames the decision significantly, allowing us to make a multitude of smaller decisions that move us closer to our goal.
Additional questions:
• Is it common for people in Latvia to have one job for life?
• Why do some people often rethink their choice of profession as they develop and grow?
Should animals be used in research? Animals, from the fruit fly to the mouse, are widely used in scientific research. They are crucial for allowing scientists to learn more about human biology and health, and for developing new medicines. However, the use of animals in scientific research has long been the subject of heated debate. On the one hand, it is considered morally wrong to use animals in this way solely for human benefit. On the other hand, removing animals completely from the lab would impede our understanding of health and disease, and consequently affect the development of vital new treatments.
Additional questions:
• Do you think we can judge people by their attitude toward animals? Why?
• Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals? Why?
Every day promises a giant to-do list. Feeling like there is forever far too much to do, we say we are really under pressure this week after a failure to do something in good time. Instead of being proactive early, people often procrastinate until the due date becomes a crisis deadline. Experience has shown that when people go after a big goal all at once, they invariably fail. So it is with prioritizing. Proactive goal achievement means taking every project and cutting it up into bite-sized pieces. Using this method, the goal becomes manageable and with the achievement of each mini goal, the positive feedback motivates you to take on the next mini goal.
Additional questions:
• Do you think people in Latvia are too worried about not having enough time?
• When do you feel you are most productive in your studies or work?