Read and choose the answer for the given passage.
1. My knowledge of computers and electronic devices started when I attended school. But being stubborn and determined I decided to devote much of my time to exploring this sphere. Eventually, I gained the knowledge required for coding beginners by watching tutorial videos and attending courses. Now I am studying coding at the University. I also have received several offers from Software Companies.
2. Studying coding I face some obstacles, as well. Firstly, I had to figure out what programs I wanted to learn. Secondly, I had to make a decision about where to do that. When I had chosen from all the options I had to pass a serious exam.
3. Taking part in the audition for the semi-finals I learnt lyrics and notes so well. I knew I had done it well, but anyway I had to overcome my stress and shyness on the stage. I used my old meditation techniques. And I must say, it really helped.
https://www.visc.gov.lv. Eksāmens angļu valodā 9.klasei, 2022
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