Jenny is thinking of organising a film night at school and has asked her friends for their opinion. Read the messages (A-E) she has received and answer the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer (A-E). Use each text only once.
This is the worst idea you have ever had. Are you sure you are ready to put so much effort into organising a school event now when your exams are round the corner? Just don’t do it. You can always go to the cinema with your friends instead, which is less work and definitely more convenient. I think you should let this go and have fun before school ends.
I know that last time someone tried to organise something similar, it was a major flop. But I really think that you could pull it off as you seem to have a grip on everything you have got to do. Do you fancy coming to the film marathon at the local library? You might get some inspiration for your event. Let me know as soon as possible so I can get you the best seat.
This is such a great idea! I have always wanted to participate in such an event. I remember my previous school once organised a sleepover to watch the stars, but I fell sick and missed it. Hopefully, this time I’ll make it. Why don’t you get in touch with the Headmaster and ask for permission to use the school’s auditorium instead of a small classroom? Don’t forget to promise to clean up the mess after the event.
This is an awful idea. I think you have taken on more than you can handle. When you plan something, you can miss deadlines and that makes the people involved very anxious. I hope this time you have already planned every step and it will happen on time. Though, to be honest, if everything runs smoothly, it will definitely be a great relief from all the exam stress.
This is a wonderful thing you are doing here, but maybe you should wait and organise the film night when the exams are over. I think that more people will be able to attend the event and really enjoy it. We are now in the middle of exams, so I can hardly think about anything else at the moment. But it is up to you, I might be overreacting.
1. Which person advises against the event because they think it is pointless?
2. Which person is uncertain that the event will be successful because of bad timing?
3. Which person supports the idea and gives some advice on organisation?
4. Which person thinks they might find the event helpful but doubts it will be well-organised?
5. Which person is optimistic about the idea and thinks that Jenny could benefit from first-hand experience of a similar event?
https://www.visc.gov.lv. Centralizētais eksāmens par vispārējās pamatizglītības apguvi angļu valodā 9. klasei, 2024
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