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An unusual bicycle hire scheme is hoping to attract more visitors England’s Peak District. Visitors and people houses are located in this hilly area of central and northern England can now hire electric bikes  the countryside.

Jenny Hill from BBC news reports:
It may look like any other bike, but the clue is in the sound. What you can hear is a battery powered motor that away all the effort. The bikes can get up to 15 miles  hour. What was once a mountain is suddenly a molehill.

Steve Garadis shares his opinion:
In Britain at the moment, most people don’t really know  an electric bike is and what it can do. It’s just like normal cycling, but with an extra boost that pushes you up the hills. It means you
 worry about headwinds. You don’t get horribly sweaty.
Jenny Hill says:
At this cafe, you can hire the bikes, you can them. The batteries for about 40 miles. Other local businesses offer services. What you won’t here are cars. In fact, they up old railway tunnels to keep this trail
traffic free.
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