Task 2 (10 points)
Read the interview with Dr. Sylvia Earle and choose the appropriate question from the list. Write the appropriate letter in the space provided. There are more questions than answers. An example (0) has been given.


Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle is one of the world’s best known marine scientists and a National Geographic Explorer.
0. I
I was born in New Jersey. My parents moved to Florida when I was 12.
I never stop asking questions and have a sense of wonder just like a five year-old kid.
Going under water... Saving the ocean... Being a fish…
There are many of them. I love to go back to the places I have known over the years. I do whatever I can to make the world understand how much and how fast it’s changing.
My camera. Taking photographs helps me to remember and to document. Oh, and a bathing suit.
First of all, there are much more of us but the planet has not become any larger. The pressure on the land, the air, the water, and the wildlife that keeps us alive is growing.
It’s because I spend more time than others in the ocean and see things that others don’t. You can’t care if you don’t know and most people simply don’t know.
It is alive. Oxygen is generated by living creatures. Every fish fertilizes the water; that generates the plankton, which belongs to the food chain and also produces oxygen and uses carbon.
What we do or don’t do will make a difference. As individuals, everybody can make a difference. Every change in the world always starts with somebody, an individual.
If you are good with words, then use words. If you play a musical instrument, write a song and play an instrument. If you draw, use that talent, show people the future through your eyes.
We are not just losing the wildlife in the sea, we are losing our life support system — their future and ours. Take away life in the ocean and we don’t have a planet that works.
ADo you mean that without the ocean there is no future?
BWhat has changed significantly in recent years?
CCan a single person save the Earth?
DWhat do you dream about?
EWhat is the single most important problem facing the world?
FWhy is it so important to inform people about harm done to the sea?
GHow did you get to be a scientist or explorer?
HWhat is the best place you have ever travelled to?
IWhere did you grow up?
JWhy is the ocean so important to life on Earth?
KWhat can’t you travel without?
LHow can people help the ocean?
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