You go on an exchange visit to a school in another country where you are offered a choice of different free time activities. You and your partner are discussing which activity to choose from:

going shopping / reading / playing computer games / going roller blading
going to the cinema / chatting / playing sports / going to a museum

• which of these activities are for you and why;
• when and where to do them;
• who you can do these activities with, why;
• what other activities you would like to do afterwards;
• what new activity you would like to take up.
Vai esi iepazinies ar biļeti un pārdomājis, ko par šo tēmu varētu runāt?
Iepazīsties ar risinājuma soļiem un, ja nepieciešams, mēģini uzdevumi risināt vēlreiz - kopā iespējami 12 dažādi temati.
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