Paper 1
Students from Estonia are coming to your school. You and your friend should organise an excursion around your city/ town/ village. Decide what you are going to tell them. Together you should discuss:
  • day and time to meet up;
  • where to take Estonian students;
  • how to get there;
  • interesting facts about the place;
  • what local products to give to them.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. How do you prefer to travel? Why?
  2. Why do people travel?
  3. What country would you like to visit most? Why?
  4. Would you like to be an exchange student? Why/why not?
  5. What would you improve  in your hometown If you could?
Paper 2
You and your classmate have to plan and organise a class party. Together you should discuss:
  • what kind of party it will be;
  • where it will take place;
  • what you have to do to organise the party;
  • what music and games for the party to choose;
  • what will make your party special.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. What parties do you like/ not like? Why?
  2. What clothes do you wear at parties?
  3. Which party would you enjoy most?
  4. What is the most common food at teenagers' parties?
  5. What party would you organise at school if you could?
Paper 3
You are asked to participate in an international survey about the use of social networking sites. Your English teacher has asked you and your friend to discuss your use of the internet and social networking sites. Together you should discuss:
  • what social networking sites are popular among your classmates;
  • how many social network profiles you have and how often you use them;
  • which social network you never use and why;
  • what information you should not share on the Internet,
  • how social networks can help you.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. How often do you check your email or text messages?
  2. Where do you get the latest news from?
  3. What are the advantages of social networking?
  4. How often do you visit your school website? What do you read there?
  5. Do you follow any famous person on lnstagram (or other social networking site)? Why/why not?
Paper 4
You and your friend want  to take  part  in a competition "School of the Year 2018". Together you should discuss:
  • what makes your school special (history, competitions, sport achievements, etc.);
  • rules of the school;
  • school traditions and values;
  • your favourite school  subjects;
  • how you are going to present your school.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. What out-of-class activities can you do at your school?
  2. What can you do to make your school better?
  3. Is homework necessary? Why/why not?
  4. Should students wear school uniforms? Why/why not?
  5. What new subjects would you like to learn in your school?
Paper 5
Your school is organising a charity week. Your class has decided to help a pet rescue centre. Together you should discuss:
  • what to do to help;
  • how to prepare for the event;
  • how to attract more people to the event;
  • what activities can be organised after the event;
  • what each of you will be responsible for.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. Have you taken part in any charity events or been a volunteer? How? If not, why?
  2. Why is it necessary to help?
  3. How do you feel when you help somebody?
  4. What can help more - words or actions?
  5. If someone gave you a thousand euros, would you donate any money to charity?

Paper 6
You and your friend are organising a class bike tour. Together you should discuss:
  • where, when and how long it will be;
  • what difficulties you may have during the tour (weather, clothes, etc.);
  • what to take with you to the tour;
  • how to make this day memorable;
  • what each of you will be responsible for.
Questions for the teacher to ask:
  1. Do you like riding a bike? Why/why not?
  2. How do you keep fit?
  3. Have you taken part in sports competitions?  Why/why not?
  4. What sport would you like to try? Why?
  5. Would you like to have more sports lessons in your school? Why/why not?