Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
Exchange students from Finland are visiting your school. You are planning to go to the cinema or theatre. Together you should discuss:
• which you would prefer – the cinema or the theatre;
• what sort of film/theatre play you would like to see;
• how you should prepare;
• how you will explain your choice to your classmates;
• what you can do after the film/theatre show.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. What do you usually do in your free time?
2. Why do people need to do extra-curricular activities?
3. What leisure time activities would you like to try? Why?
4. What out-of-class activities can you do at your school?
5. Would you like to be an actor/actress? Why?
Paper 2
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend have to plan a project to make your school a better place. Together you should discuss:
• what your school looks like;
• what you like about your school;
• what you want to change about it and why;
• who can help you and how;
• what you need to do to start the project.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
2. How do you imagine your school in 10 years’ time?
3. What traditions does your school have?
4. What are your future plans?
5. What qualities does a good student have?
Paper 3
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to help to organise a visit of exchange students from a school in Lithuania. The visit is one week long. Together you should discuss:    
• why they should visit your school;
• what famous landmarks there are in your neighbourhood;
• what activities they can do;
• which is the best place for them to stay;
• how your schools can cooperate in the future.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Would you like to take part in an exchange programme? Why?
2. Where would you like to go as an exchange student? Why?
3. How would you feel living with a different family during an exchange programme?
4. What are positive and negative aspects of exchange visits?
5. Why is cooperation between schools, students and teachers necessary?
Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend want to take part in a quiz contest about your hometown. To get ready you should discuss:
• people who live there and their traditions;
• where you can get information about its history and famous people;
• what other topics you should prepare to get ready for the quiz;
• what makes your hometown special;
• what you can do to make it a better place.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Is there a place that is very special to you? Why?
2. What problems are there in your neighbourhood?
3. How has your hometown changed since you were a child?
4. In your hometown, is there much for young people to do? Why or why not?
5. Is it possible for a person to have two hometowns?
Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The head teacher of your school has asked you and your friends to make souvenirs for your
school. Together you should discuss:
• what souvenirs you can make;
• what information they will give about your school;
• how and where you will make and sell the souvenirs;
• how you will tell everybody about your souvenirs;
• what else you need to do to make the souvenirs.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. What are the best souvenirs people can buy from your country?
2. Do you like going shopping? Why?
3. Where is the best place to do shopping in your town? Why?
4. How do you spend your pocket money?
5. Do you think people in your class spend too much money on shopping? Why?
Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to make a new school website. Together you should discuss:
• what information should be on the website;
• what it will look like – design, colours, pictures, etc.;
• what will make your website interesting for students and teachers;
• how you can advertise the website;
• what help you need and where to get it.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Do you use social networks? Why?
2. How much time do you spend on the computer every day? What for?
3. What are positive and negative sides of social networks?
4. What social networks should your school use and why?
5. In your opinion, what is the most important invention of all time?