Read the text below and choose the word which best completes each sentence. 
An example has been given. 

(Example) In 2020, Guinness World Records celebrated the 65th anniversary of first published edition. It is a reference book published every year. It has a collection of world records – human achievements and the extremes of the natural world. The book itself holds a world record as the bestselling book series of all time.
2. On 4 May 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver went on a shooting party in Ireland. He got involved in an argument over  bird in Europe was the fastest. That evening he realised that it wasn't possible to make sure if the golden plover was Europe’s fastest bird or not. Beaver knew that there must be many other questions argued every day throughout Ireland, but there was no book to find the answers.
3. He understood that a book with the answers to these questions one day become popular. It took more than three months to write the book and it was finally published in 1955. To get
attention, one thousand copies were given away. It went to the top of the British bestseller lists at Christmas and stayed there.
Atsauce: Eksāmens angļu valodā 9.klasei, 2022
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