Read the interview with Kate DiCamillo and drag the questions next to the answers (1. – 3.).
There are some extra questions you do not need to use. An example (0) has been given.
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0. Who encouraged you to become a writer?
My college professors said, “Hey, you’ve got a way with words.” I thought, “Super. I’m going to be a writer. ”

I worked at Disney World and at Circus World. I worked at a campground and in a greenhouse, and the whole time, I said, “I’m going to be a writer” — but I wasn’t writing.


Every morning I wake up and think, “Oh, God. I don’t want to write today.” But I just go ahead and do it anyway and then for the rest of the day I can think, “Oh, I got that done.” And then I start the battle over again the next morning…


First of all, you should read — a lot. You should pay attention to people, not because you want to steal their story, but because almost everybody’s interesting if you give them a chance and if you ask them the right questions.
Atbilžu varianti:
What can teachers do to make kids interested in reading?
How can you describe the process of writing?
How did you earn your living before you started writing books?
Were you a passionate reader yourself?
What makes the Newbery Medal so special?
What advice would you give to young writers?
What qualities helped you become a writer?
Atsauce: Eksāmens angļu valodā 9.klasei, 2022
Attēls: foto Tinseltown /
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