Listen to a podcast about jigsaw puzzles and complete the notes on the podcast with the missing information (no more than two words or one number).
The task starts with an example (0).
0. Jigsaw puzzles are a popular pastime.
1. Creating puzzles Spilsbury used a map taking into account the borders of the .
2. Puzzles for grown-ups showed up around , however, they weren't accessible to all.
3. Jigsaw manufacturers mostly employed .
4. In the USA, people tried to earn money by taking part in .
5. Doing puzzles is also a relaxing activity, as jigsaw puzzles make you and complete a specific task.
Atsauce: Centralizētais eksāmens par vispārējās pamatizglītības apguvi angļu valodā 9. klasei, 2023
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