Read the text and write the appropriate word.
Izlasi tekstu un ieraksti pareizo word!
My name is Rosie. I’m eleven years old and I’ve got blonde hair. It is October already, and I am packing my school bag for school. My mum gave me a very nice bag to go to school. That is in my favourite colours: purple and yellow.
I usually pack my things on the previous evening to get ready for the next day at school. I have my own system for how to do it.
Firstly, I check all the subjects I will have tomorrow and put my books, textbooks, and workbooks in my school bag.
Then I check my pencil case, where I need to have a blue or black pen, two pencils, a ruler, a rubber and a sharpener for pencils, too. Of course, I like my notes to be colourful. That is why I always put some highlighters and coloured pencils in my pencil case. I also take some paper clips to school because I like to put all my work in a folder or a file. It must be in order.
When I have geography at school, I also take my atlas with me. It is very detailed and colourful. I would like to take my globe to school as well, but unfortunately it is too big for my school bag.
When we have English or Spanish at school, we use online dictionaries during the lesson. The teacher allows us to do it. That is why I have my smartphone with me every day. Of course, teachers don't let us use it without their permission. Sometimes we have to do some online exercises during the lessons, then the teacher hands out tablets to us with prepared online tasks. I like that very much. I also have a tablet at home to use for reading books. I enjoy doing it.
1. First of all, I look at all the I will have tomorrow.
2. I also take some  to school.
3. I bring my to school when I have geography.
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