Read the text and choose if the statement is true or false.
Izlasi tekstu un atzīmē, vai apgalvojums ir patiess vai nepatiess!
Emily is 12 years old and lives in the heart of Liverpool. She is out with her mother Olivia today. They are buying new school things for the next school year. Emily is starting a grammar school this year and she is very excited.

Olivia: Do you have a list of school things we need?
Emily: Yes, I have the list from the teacher. I need the following things: a glue stick, three pens, coloured pencils, 200 sheets of paper, a calculator, a ruler, a sharpener and a pair of scissors. By the way, I also need a new backpack because my old backpack is too old already.
Olivia: OK, that's a lot of things. Let's buy them one by one. This bookshop is going to have a lot of things we need. Let's go in there.
Emily: Perfect. Yes, I see that this bookshop has a lot of items I need. I also see some highlighters, paint, and paintbrushes that are not very expensive. And here is a package of pens and coloured pencils, as well. Do you see a calculator?
Olivia: Yes, I see the calculator there – in section 2.
Emily: I also see that they have rulers in the same section.
Olivia: Excellent. Now let's go to another shop to buy your backpack. What kind of backpack would you like to buy?
Emily: I want a colourful backpack like my best friend Georgina. I like this one. It is a good brand and I think it is made of good materials.
Olivia: Great. Do we have everything?
Emily: Not yet. I also need a compass for geography lessons and some folders or files where to put all my artwork.
Olivia: A compass? I need to ask your dad about that. But we have files and folders at home that you can have.
Emily: Sounds good. Do we have everything we need now?
Olivia: Let me see. Now it looks like we have everything and we can go home.
Emily: Mum, what about going to the café?
Olivia: OK, of course. Let's go and have a cup of coffee and a piece of delicious cake.
1. Emily doesn't live in the centre of Liverpool.
2. Emily needs the following things for school: a glue stick, three pens, coloured pencils, 200 sheets of paper, a calculator, a ruler, a sharpener and a pair of scissors.
3. Emily and her mum go home after the shopping.
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