Reading Task 2
Decide which text (A, B or C) each question (1-6) refers to. Write the corresponding letter (A, B or C) next to the question. You can use each letter more than once.
Which text:
1. suggests that a lack of readiness to make a career decision should not be criticised?
2. focuses on the role of parents in guiding their children's career choices?
3. mentions a character who, upon leaving school, felt that life was like a great fairy story about to begin?
4. discusses a character's contemplation of their future and a suggested break before making decisions?
5. describes skills that are personal attributes and interpersonal abilities helping individuals interact effectively and harmoniously with others?
6. describes a character being sent on a trip alone to foster self-reliance?
Atsauce: Centralizētais eksāmens par vispārējās vidējās izglītības apguvi angļu valoda (augstākais mācību satura apguves līmenis), 2024
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