Satura rādītājs:


Numurs Nosaukums Apraksts
1. Adjectives Students will learn about adjectives, types of adjectives and their use.
2. Adverbs Students will learn about adverbs, types of adverbs and their use.
3. Modal verbs Students will learn about modal verbs, types of modal verbs and their use.


Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Adjectives. Choose the correct word 1. izziņas līmenis zema 3 p. Students will read a sentence and choose which word is the adjective.
2. Adverbs. Choose the correct word 1. izziņas līmenis zema 3 p. Students will read a sentence and choose which word is the adverb.
3. Modal verbs. Choose the correct word 1. izziņas līmenis zema 3 p. Students will read a sentence and choose the correct missing modal verb.
4. Adjectives. Write the correct forms 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 6 p. Students will read the base form of an adjective and write the comparative and superlative form.
5. Adverbs. Form adverbs from adjectives 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will form adverbs from the adjectives given.
6. Modal verbs. Listen and choose 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will listen to sentences and choose what the modal verb expresses (for example, permission, obligation, ability)
7. Adjectives. Read and choose 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will read sentences with missing adjectives and choose the correct words to go in the gaps.
8. Adjectives, Adverbs and Modal verbs. Fill in the blanks 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will read a text with missing words and fill in the blanks with the words provided
9. Adjectives. Word order 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Students will put words with adjectives in the correct order to form sentences
10. Adverbs. Word order 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Students will put words with adverbs in the correct order to form sentences.
11. Modal verbs. Reading true or false 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will read a short text with modal verbs and answer if the statements are true or false
12. Modal verbs. Drag and drop 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Students will complete sentences by dragging the correct words in the gaps.
13. Adjectives. Reading multiple choice 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 3 p. Students will read a text about a person's description and answer if the statements are true, false or not mentioned.

Papildu uzdevumi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Adverbs. Read and choose Citi vidēja 3 p. Students will read sentences and choose the correct missing adverbs.
2. Adjectives. Listening multiple choice Citi augsta 3 p. Students will listen to a description with adjectives and answer the multiple choice questions.

Mājasdarbu testi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Adjectives and adverbs, modal verbs I 00:20:00 vidēja 21 p. Students will learn about adjectives and adverbs their types, how and when to use them, modal verbs
2. Adjectives and adverbs, modal verbs II 00:40:00 vidēja 28 p. Students will learn about adjectives and adverbs their types, how and when to use them, modal verbs