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Beatrice Sirinuntananon Shutterstock_street musicians_ielas muzikanti.jpg
busker — [ˈbʌskə(r)] — (noun) a person who performs music in a public place and asks for money from people passing by, ielu muzikants
kirill_makarov Shutterstock_crowd_pūlis.jpg
crowd — [kraʊd] — (noun) a large number of people gathered together in a public place, pūlis
creative expression — [kriˈeɪtɪv ɪkˈspreʃn] — (noun) expressing one's thoughts, feelings, and ideas through various forms of art, radoša izpausme
engage — [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ] — (verb) to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and interest, iesasitīt
Wierzchu Shutterstock_dancing performance on street_deju performance uz ielas.jpg
flash mob — [ˈflæʃ mɒb] — (noun) a large group of people who arrange to gather together in a public place at exactly the same time, spend a short time doing something there and then quickly all leave at the same time, zibakcija
Erman Gunes Shutterstock_graffiti_grafiti.jpg
graffiti — [ɡrəˈfiːti] — (noun) drawings or writing on a wall, etc. in a public place, grafiti
improvise — [ˈɪmprəvaɪz] — (verb) create or perform something on the spot, without planning it in advance, improvizēt
Svetlana Mahovskaya Shutterstock_Latvia map contour_Latvijas kartes kontūra.jpg
installation — [ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃn] — (noun) a piece of modern sculpture that is made using sound, light, etc. as well as objects, instalācija
Franco Amian Shutterstock_living statue_dzīvās statujas.jpg
living statue — [ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈstætʃuː] — (noun) a performer who poses as a statue, often painted in metallic or stone-like colors, remaining still for extended periods to create the illusion of a real statue, dzīva statuja
Maka S Shutterstock_woman painting graffiti_sieviete zīmē grafiti.jpg
mural — [ˈmjʊərəl] — (noun) a painting, usually a large one, done on a wall, sometimes on an outside wall of a building, sienas gleznojums
repertoire — [ˈrepətwɑː(r)] — (noun) all the plays, songs, pieces of music, etc. that a performer knows and can perform, repertuārs
street art — [striːt ɑːt] — (noun) art created in public locations, ielas māksla
street performer — [striːt pəˈfɔːmə(r)] — (noun) a person who entertains the public in outdoor spaces, ielu mākslinieks
Shutterstock_2474875437_tips jar_dzeramnauda.jpg
tip — [tɪp] — (noun) a small amount of extra money that you give to somebody, dzeramnauda
noun — lietvārds
adjective — īpašības vārds
verb — darbības vārds