Satura rādītājs:


Numurs Nosaukums Apraksts
1. Mental Health and Sports. Present Perfect simple Present Perfect simple - when to use, structure and signal words. Mental Health and Sports - word bank.
2. Healthy eating for Athletes. Past simple Healthy eating for Athletes - new vocabulary. Past simple - structure, irregular verbs.
3. Importance of Rest and Recovery. Used to Importance of Rest and Recovery - new vocabulary. Used to - sentence structure.


Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Completing sentence. Present perfect Simple. 1. izziņas līmenis zema 2 p. Completing sentences with the appropriate phrase for Present Perfect Simple tense.
2. Complete sentence. Present Perfect simple 1. izziņas līmenis zema 2 p. Completing sentence with an appropriate phrase for Present Perfect simple tense.
3. Picture with a word. Mental health and sports 1. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Looking at the picture and draging to most appropriate word next to it. Mental health and sports vocabulary.
4. Sentence order. Mental health and sport 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Choosing the correct sentence order from the scrambled words. Vocabulary - Mental health and sport.
5. Nathalie's mental health. Listening, answering questions 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Listening to Nathalie's story of the way to better mental health. Answering questions about the audio.
6. Mental health and rest and recovery. Reading and answering questions 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Mental Health and Sports and Importance of rest and recovery. Two grammar tenses - Present Perfect simple and "used to" form. Reading a text on the topic and deciding if the statement is true or false.
7. Definition to word. Mental Health and Sports 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Choosing the right word for the given definition. Mental Health and Sports vocabulary.
8. Complete sentences. Past simple tense 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Completing the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verb in parentheses in a correct form.
9. Reading Usain Bolt. True or false 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Reading the given text about Usain Bolt and decide if the statements are true or false. Healthy eating for athletes vocabulary.
10. Definition to word. Healthy eating for athletes and Importance of Rest and Recovery 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Choosing the right word for the given definition. Healthy eating for athletes and Importance of Rest and Recovery word banks combined vocabulary.
11. Match Latvian and English word. Importance of Rest and Recovery 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Matching the word in English with the correct word in Latvian. Importance of Rest and Recovery vocabulary.
12. Complete sentences. Used to, didn't use to 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Completing the sentences with "used to" or "didn't use to".
13. Edward's past experience. Read and answer questions 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Reading the text about Edward’s past experience and choosing the correct answers to each question.
14. Translating sentences. Health and fitness in sports vocabulary 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 2 p. Chooseing the answer that gives the correct translation of the given sentence and that is grammatically correct.
15. Listen to an audio, choose answer. Past simple, used to 3. izziņas līmenis augsta 2 p. Listening to the audio and choosing the answer that states exactly what was said in the audio. Past simple and “used to” sentences.


Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Health and fitness in sports 00:20:00 vidēja 10 p. Mental health and sports. Past simple. Used to, didn't use to. Present perfect simple.

Mājasdarbu testi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Health and fitness in sports II 00:20:00 vidēja 20 p. Mental health and sports. Past simple. Used to, didn't use to. Present perfect simple.