Satura rādītājs:
Numurs | Nosaukums | Apraksts |
1. | Mental Health and Sports. Present Perfect simple | Present Perfect simple - when to use, structure and signal words. Mental Health and Sports - word bank. |
2. | Healthy eating for Athletes. Past simple | Healthy eating for Athletes - new vocabulary. Past simple - structure, irregular verbs. |
3. | Importance of Rest and Recovery. Used to | Importance of Rest and Recovery - new vocabulary. Used to - sentence structure. |
Numurs | Nosaukums | Tips | Grūtības pakāpe | Punkti | Apraksts |
1. | Completing sentence. Present perfect Simple. | 1. izziņas līmenis | zema | 2 p. | Completing sentences with the appropriate phrase for Present Perfect Simple tense. |
2. | Complete sentence. Present Perfect simple | 1. izziņas līmenis | zema | 2 p. | Completing sentence with an appropriate phrase for Present Perfect simple tense. |
3. | Picture with a word. Mental health and sports | 1. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Looking at the picture and draging to most appropriate word next to it. Mental health and sports vocabulary. |
4. | Sentence order. Mental health and sport | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Choosing the correct sentence order from the scrambled words. Vocabulary - Mental health and sport. |
5. | Nathalie's mental health. Listening, answering questions | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Listening to Nathalie's story of the way to better mental health. Answering questions about the audio. |
6. | Mental health and rest and recovery. Reading and answering questions | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Mental Health and Sports and Importance of rest and recovery. Two grammar tenses - Present Perfect simple and "used to" form. Reading a text on the topic and deciding if the statement is true or false. |
7. | Definition to word. Mental Health and Sports | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Choosing the right word for the given definition. Mental Health and Sports vocabulary. |
8. | Complete sentences. Past simple tense | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Completing the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verb in parentheses in a correct form. |
9. | Reading Usain Bolt. True or false | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Reading the given text about Usain Bolt and decide if the statements are true or false. Healthy eating for athletes vocabulary. |
10. | Definition to word. Healthy eating for athletes and Importance of Rest and Recovery | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Choosing the right word for the given definition. Healthy eating for athletes and Importance of Rest and Recovery word banks combined vocabulary. |
11. | Match Latvian and English word. Importance of Rest and Recovery | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Matching the word in English with the correct word in Latvian. Importance of Rest and Recovery vocabulary. |
12. | Complete sentences. Used to, didn't use to | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Completing the sentences with "used to" or "didn't use to". |
13. | Edward's past experience. Read and answer questions | 2. izziņas līmenis | vidēja | 2 p. | Reading the text about Edward’s past experience and choosing the correct answers to each question. |
14. | Translating sentences. Health and fitness in sports vocabulary | 3. izziņas līmenis | augsta | 2 p. | Chooseing the answer that gives the correct translation of the given sentence and that is grammatically correct. |
15. | Listen to an audio, choose answer. Past simple, used to | 3. izziņas līmenis | augsta | 2 p. | Listening to the audio and choosing the answer that states exactly what was said in the audio. Past simple and “used to” sentences. |
Numurs | Nosaukums | Ieteicamais ilgums: | Grūtības pakāpe | Punkti | Apraksts |
1. | Health and fitness in sports | 00:20:00 | vidēja | 10 p. | Mental health and sports. Past simple. Used to, didn't use to. Present perfect simple. |
Mājasdarbu testi (slēpti no skolēniem)
Numurs | Nosaukums | Ieteicamais ilgums: | Grūtības pakāpe | Punkti | Apraksts |
1. | Health and fitness in sports II | 00:20:00 | vidēja | 20 p. | Mental health and sports. Past simple. Used to, didn't use to. Present perfect simple. |