Why Use the Present Continuous?
Revise what you have already learned about Present Continuous!

The Present Continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening right now or actions that are ongoing. It is also useful for discussing future plans.
The structure of the Present Continuous is:
Subject + am/is/are + verb (-ing)
I am watching a game.
They are interviewing the players.
Here are some key words to remember:
Am/Is/Are: The correct form of "to be" based on the subject.
-ing: The ending added to the main verb to indicate ongoing action.
Read these key points to understand better:
1. Use the Present Continuous for actions occurring at the moment of speaking;
2. Use it for future arrangements (e.g., "I am meeting my friends tomorrow").
3. It is often used with time expressions like "now," "currently," "right now," etc.
The influence of media is very big in sports nowadays. We are seeing more and more coverage of different sports on television. Many matches are broadcast live so we can watch them at home. Athletes often do an interview after the game. Companies sponsor many sports teams and events. They show commercials during the games. Publicity is very important for sports teams, now they are becoming popular. The popularity of a sport can change quickly. Newspapers always have a big headline about important sports events. Right now, many sports stars are using social media to talk to their fans. Some sports teams are using social media to promote their events. Football teams are using social media to broadcast their results. More and more people are watching sports, so sponsors are happy. We are seeing more and more coverage of this online. The influence of the commercials and social media is increasing. Sports coverage is now often on multiple platforms.
Word bank:
Broadcast — ['brɔːdkɑːst] — to transmit programmes or information on television or radio, raidīt
Example: The football match was broadcast live on Sky Sports.
Artography Shutterstock_billboard_reklāmas baneris.jpg
Picture 1.
Commercial — ['kɒmɜːʃ(ə)l] — an advertisement on television or radio, reklāma
Example: I hate watching TV because there are so many commercials during the programmes!
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Coverage — ['kʌvərɪdʒ] — the reporting of news and sports events in the media, atskaite
Example: The BBC gave great coverage of the royal wedding, showing it all day.
Hadrian Shutterstock_magazines_žurnāli.jpg
Picture 2.
Headline — ['hedlaɪn] — the title of a newspaper or magazine article, virsraksts
Example: The headline in the newspaper said, "Local Team Wins the Cup!"
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Influence — ['ɪnfluəns] — the power to affect someone or something, ietekme
Example: My mum's a very good cook. She had a big influence on my eating habits.
Vlad1988 Shutterstock_journalists on sports match_žurnālisti sporta mačā.jpg
Picture 3.
Interview — ['ɪntəvjuː] — a meeting in which someone is asked questions to gather information, intervija
Example: I read an interview with the famous actor in the newspaper.
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Picture 4.
Popularity — [ˌɒpjuˈlærɪtɪ] — the state of being liked or well-known, popularitāte
Example: The new phone has gained a lot of popularity because it is cheap.
Victor Velter Shutterstock_rolex sponsorship_sponsori.jpg
Picture 5.
Publicity — [pʌ'blɪsɪtɪ] — information intended to attract public interest, publicitāte
Example: The band did a lot of publicity before their concert to sell tickets.
Hadrian Shutterstock_facebook like and share_patīk un dalīties.jpg
Picture 6.
Social media — ['səʊʃ(ə)l ˈmiːdɪə] — websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, sociālie mediji
Example: She posts all her holiday photos on social media.
Radu Razvan Shutterstock_sponsorship car_sponsoru mašīna.jpg
Picture 7.
Sponsor — ['spɒnsə] — a person or company that supports an event or activity financially, sponsors
Example: The local bakery is a sponsor of the school's sports day.
Picture 1: Artography / Shutterstock
Picture 2: Hadrian / Shutterstock
Picture 3: Vlad1988 / Shutterstock
Picture 4: photoyh / Shutterstock
Picture 5: Victor Velter / Shutterstock
Picture 6: Hadrian / Shutterstock
Picture 7: Radu Razvan / Shutterstock